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Nursery Ministry

Leader: Chesney Alarcon

Mission/Description: The SMCOC nursery is available for children ages 0-24mo. We need volunteers to staff the nursery on Sunday mornings. We also need teachers for Sunday and Wednesday evenings.

Spring Meadows Youth Group

Leader: Jerry Elder

The Spring Meadows Youth Group exist to help to grow the faith in the lives of those in grades 6-12.
We do this by providing and attending events that nourish the soul and encourage daily living for the Savior.
We also strive to look for others that need the love and support of a group of young disciples living different than the world!

Young Families

Leaders: C.L Walker, Will Kersey

Mission/Description: Serve the Young Families by providing opportunities to grow closer to God and each other. Facilitate camaraderie among the group to build relationships and expand involvement and service. Make Spring Meadows a place where young families feel welcomed and nurtured.

Education Ministry – Adult

Leaders: Victor Lay, Clay Tyree

Food Ministry

Leader: Carolyn Smith

Special Events

Leaders: Sid Heffington, Stephen Ward

  • Breakfast with Santa
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Spring Fling
  • Family Picnic
  • Valentines (Young at Heart – Golden Age)
  • Family Retreat

Ladies Ministry

Leaders: Andrea Darden, LeAnne Brent

  • Ladies day
  • Ladies retreat
  • Ladies Bible Class
    Leaders: Various Teachers


Leaders: Matthew Ruiz, Tim Burton

Mission/Description: 1) supporting missionaries around the world, and 2) sending Spring Meadows members to serve as missionaries both domestically and abroad. 

Technology Ministry

  • Leader: Tim Chase

Mission/Description: The Communication Ministry is an opportunity to support the congregation using technology and communication.  Some examples include supporting the website, social media, and creating weekly bulletins

College Secret Friend Program

  • Leader: Tonya Spicer

Mission/Description: The goal of this program is to keep a connection with the students as they are in college by communicating with them monthly. Volunteers are assigned a student for a semester.

DUO Ministry

  • Leader: Mikayla Rich & Lauren Campbell
Mission/Description: The DUO ministry is a mentoring program between our young ladies and women of the congregation. The goal is to initiate and grow relationships between these two groups centered around the shared relationship with our God. All ladies meet altogether and are encouraged to communicate amongst each other between those meetings to lift each other up (Titus 2:4-5).


Healing Hearts Ministry

  • Leader: Anita McIntire
Mission/Description: Healing Hearts is a ministry to walk with and acknowledge ones who have lost a loved one, Father, mother , spouse or child.


Children’s Ministry

Leader: Angie Basham

Mission/Description: Join us in helping our children come to KNOW Jesus Christ, GROW to be like Him, and GO serve Him. With this in mind, we are looking for individuals to teach and assist in Bible classes, help develop age-appropriate curriculum, create kid-friendly learning environments, assist with planning and working special events and so much more! 


C-20’s (College – 20’s)

Leaders: Braden Parsons, Jacob Campbell

Mission/Description: “Our C-20’s ministry exists to help young Christians own their faith and grow in the love and knowledge of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are all about having fun and doing life together! We host regular fun events and devotionals together, and we continually seek ways to serve all members here at Spring Meadows.”

Empty Nesters Ministry

Leaders: Bill and Anita McIntyre


Leader: Natalie Morris

Our mission is to bless and encourage new beginnings in the lives of our church members. The shower ministry is also a way to reach out to members of our community in need of help.

Lads to Leaders

Leaders: Dustin Murphy, Clay and Melissa Tyree

Mens Ministry

Leaders: Greg Lawrence, Jason Morrisey, Michael Gunnels

Building and Grounds

Leaders: Andy DeSoto, Robert Brent, Tim Nichols

Spring Meadows Academy

Leader: April DiChiara

Vacation Bible School

Leaders: Jerry and Angie and Chuck


Leader: Danny Pugh

Transportation Ministry

Leader: Doug Patterson