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Please remember to use P.O Box 1852, Spring Hill, TN 37174 when mailing items to the church.

The Spring Meadows Church of Christ invites you to come and be part of a body of believers who want to look inward, reach outward, and lift our heads upward in our service to God.

We want to encourage an atmosphere of love and compassion for all individuals, just as Christ did while assisting one another in our Christian walk. Our desire is to create a warm and caring environment that provides counsel and guidance as we encounter the difficulties of life. An atmosphere that recognizes we are all sinners and we rely totally on Christ for our salvation.

We invite you to come and be part of a congregation that emphasizes spiritual growth and development in an environment of love and fellowship for one another. A place where we understand that social relationships can strengthen the bond of Christian fellowship.

We are committed to developing leaders that are spiritually minded with servant attitudes. Leaders with a desire to teach and evangelize, but those who also have compassion for others and can counsel and encourage those who are struggling.

Spring Meadows plans to build facilities that are practical and utilitarian. We believe that a building is just a tool to do God’s work and should be fully utilized. Long-term goals include community programs, development of a Christian school, and the possibility of a retirement, or assisted living facility.

Each congregation of God’s people has its own personality and makeup. While we believe the Bible is God’s authority in all matters of faith and practice, we also want to use the gifts and talents that are unique to each of us.

While there are plans for specific programs that we believe are needed to successfully reach our community with the gospel of Christ, it is also our hope and prayer that members of the congregation will feel empowered to use their talents in building up the body of Christ.

“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body…The eye cannot say to the hand, I do not need you! On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts we think are less honorable we treat with special honor, while our presentable parts need no special treatment” ( from – I Corinthians 12:12-31)

Everyone has a place of special honor in the kingdom, a place where they can work, grow, and contribute to the body of Christ. Our goal is to help you find that place you can best serve, to use your talents in service to the body and to fulfill your role as a servant of the kingdom.

Whether it is writing a letter of encouragement, visiting the sick, teaching a class, or any other work, we realize that “those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.” We pray that you can use your talents to the glory of Christ’s church.

Nursery Ministry

Nursery Ministry

The Spring Meadows Church of Christ aims to provide a safe environment for babies 0-30 months to be cared for by church volunteers.

Children Ministry

Children Ministry

At Spring Meadows our children's program focuses on providing engaging and age-appropriate Bible classes for children ages two through 5th grade.  If you need additional information, feel free to reach out to our Children's Director, Angie Basham at angiesmcoc@gmail.com

Youth Group

Youth Group

The Spring Meadows Church of Christ aims to provide a safe environment and activities for teenagers.  For more information, please contact jerry@smcoc.net



Learn more about the numerous mission efforts we support around the world.

Spring Meadows Academy

Spring Meadows Academy

Spring Meadows Academy exists to provide a loving, Christian environment in which to nurture and educate children.

Spring Meadows Counseling

Spring Meadows Counseling

Spring Meadows seeks to provide confidential and affordable counseling to the surrounding community.  

Our Sermons

Bear One Another’s Burdens

September 8, 2024Chuck Morris

Love One Another!

How to Worship God!


