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Spring Meadows Spring Fling

Spring Meadows Spring Fling

It was a beautiful day to worship our Savior, enjoy a meal with our church family and hunt for Easter eggs! Kids enjoyed finding golden tokens in their eggs and trading them for candy and prizes. Our annual Spring Fling is always the Sunday before Easter and, oh, so...
Lads to Leaders

Lads to Leaders

Another great year at the Lads to Leaders Convention at Opryland Hotel. Spring Meadows had many participate and lots of placements. From song leading to puppets or scripture reading to art, there is something for everyone! We love how this event encourages and grows...
Family Retreat @ Camp NaCoMe

Family Retreat @ Camp NaCoMe

This spring, we had a fantastic family retreat at Camp NaCoMe which is located in Pleasantville, TN. Members spent time in fellowship and worship. Our youth practiced their song leading, and there was plenty of time for games and cozy campfires too!  
Pathfinders Visit Sky Zone

Pathfinders Visit Sky Zone

Our fifth graders have the opportunity to participate in a special group called Pathfinders. Pathfinders is a way to encourage bonding and independence before entering middle school and youth group, which is for grades 6-12 here at Spring Meadows. Each month, our...
CYC 2023

CYC 2023

This year’s Challenge Youth Conference (CYC) in Pigeon Forge, TN attracted 12,000 in attendance and 48 were baptized! Our Spring Meadows youth group, ministers and parents were blessed by this event.
Valentine’s Banquets

Valentine’s Banquets

So, we have these two amazing nights at Spring Meadows—the “Young at Heart Banquet” and the “Young Adult Banquet.” The banquets include a delicious chef-prepared meal, in-house entertainment and lots of fun and laughter! We are fortunate that...