Spring Meadows Family,
Communion supplies will be passed out on Saturday from 10 a.m. -12 p.m. at the building until further notice. Pull up to the front door and we will bring out the number you need. If you choose to, you may leave your offering.
For those that wish to give online, here is a link to the online giving through Fellowship One:
We will be live-streaming the service at 9:00am on Sunday morning. The link for streaming is found here:
When you prayerfully decide you and your family are able to return to the building, please make sure you honor these requests:
Do not show up to any gatherings if you have had:
A fever (>100.0) in the past 48 hours or are taking Tylenol or Advil to reduce a fever.
Any loss of smell or taste in the past 14 days.
Any persistent cough or shortness of breath over the past 14 days.
Any exposure to anyone with COVID-19 over the past 14 days.
Any flu-like symptoms including muscle aches, fatigue, or congestion in the past 48 hours.
Any diarrhea or GI symptoms in the past 48 hours
Are not feeling well
If you choose to leave early from services to avoid the crowd, Larry will be leading a closing song after the prayer to give people time to step out.
Continue to practice social distancing in your seating and interactions – chairs will be placed appropriately distanced.
If you are part of a vulnerable population, please consider worshipping from home.
We will have chairs arranged in a distanced manner – please ask before adding more rows or expanding beyond what your family needs together.
No hugging, handshakes, or touching anyone outside of your family group while in the building.
We will have individual communion emblems. Pick-up as you come in the building.
We will not pass a collection plate. There are online options and there will be collection boxes at the entrances for donations.
We will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. to facilitate our live streaming.
We will not be doing children’s Bible hour or have an attended nursery.
Bible classes will remain online for now.
We encourage each of you to be in prayerful discussion about your situation and what is best for your family.
The Elders and Ministers